International Public Speaking
DevOpsDays Tokyo, Japan: keynote speaker
Regional Scrum Gathering South Africa, Cape Town: speaker
Lean Agile London, UK: invited speaker
Agile2024 Dallas, US: conference chair
NYC SUG New York, US: organizer, speaker
Agile Games Toronto, Canada: speaker
DevOps Summit (virtual): speaker
OOP2023 Munich, Germany: speaker
Agile Austin Texas, US: speaker
Agile2023 Orlando, US: program chair, facilitator
International Coaching Week 2023: workshop facilitator
Global Scrum Gathering Amsterdam, Netherlands: speaker
Agile + DevOps East Orlando, US: speaker
Global Scrum Gathering Denver, US: program advisory team
ProDev Day (virtual): speaker
Agile MiniCon (virtual): speaker
NYC Liberating Structures Meetup: speaker, organizer
Scrum Masters of the Universe (virtual): speaker
Agile + DevOps East Orlando, US: speaker
ALN Houston (virtual): speaker
NYC Liberating Structures Meetup: speaker, organizer
Agile + DevOps (virtual)
Agile2021 (virtual): program chair
Facilitation Week (virtual): speaker, facilitator
OOP2020 Munich, Germany: speaker
Agile India 2020 (virtual): speaker
Lean In Agile for Women LIA100: speaker
Agile + DevOps West (virtual): keynote speaker
Agile + DevOps East (virtual): speaker
Continuous Delivery Meetup New York, US: speaker
Deliver Agile 2019 Nashville, US: speaker
Global Scrum Gathering Austin, US: speaker
Big Apple Scrum Day New York, US: conference chair
QCon New York, US: speaker
Agile2019 Washington, US: program chair
Agile + DevOps West Las Vegas, US: speaker
Agile Camp 2019 New York, US: speaker
Agile Games 2018 Boston, US: keynote speaker
Agile Camp 2018 New York, US: speaker
Big Apple Scrum Day New York, US: conference chair
Global Scrum Gathering Minneapolis, US: Open Space facilitator
Agile2018 San Diego, US: speaker, track chair
Agile + DevOps East Orlando, US: speaker
Agile Camp 2018 San Francisco, US: speaker
Agile Alliance Technical Conference Boston, US: speaker
Global Scrum Gathering Dublin, Ireland: speaker
Big Apple Scrum Day New York, US: conference chair
Agile Coach Camp (ACCUS2017) New York, US: co-organizer
Agile2017 Orlando, US: track chair
Regional Scrum Gathering South Africa, Cape Town: speaker
Women in Tech Summit Washington, US: speaker
Agile & Beyond Detroit, MI, US: speaker
Big Apple Scrum Day New York, US: conference chair
Agile2016 Atlanta, US: volunteers coordinator
Regional Scrum Gathering Rio, Brazil: speaker
Regional Scrum Gathering Porto, Portugal: speaker
Play4Agile Ruckersbach, Germany: speaker
Agile Days 2025 Russia: speaker
XP2015 Helsinki, Finland: speaker
Big Apple Scrum Day New York, US: conference chair
Agile2015 Washington DC, US: speaker
Global Scrum Gathering Prague, Czech Republic: speaker
Rakuten Technology Conference Tokyo, Japan: speaker
Toronto Agile and Software Canada: speaker
Global Scrum Gathering New Orleans, US: speaker
Agile2014 Orlando, US: reviewer, lightning talk speaker
NYC Scrum User Group: facilitator, speaker
Global Scrum Gathering Berlin, Germany: speaker
Toronto Agile and Software Canada: speaker