7 Steps to Walking Your Why
Are you crafting your personal plan for this year or this quarter? Connect it to your core values with this step-by-step guide.
7 Steps to Walking Your Why
Designing for Virtual - the Fun and the Plan B
Moving your classes on-line? Don't get lost in Translation!
Remote Facilitation with Brain Science at WIA Singapore
Upskilling for Remote Reality. Reflections from the longest month ever.
Resilient Retrospective at NYC Scrum User Group
Fuhgeddaboudit checklist - 7 steps to help you fail.
Agile2019 Retrospective with a twist (or Liberating Structures for the win!)
Every team needs a Working Agreement
Learning from QCon
Would You Rather be Awesome or Deadly?
How Large Is YOUR Retrospective?
Let’s run an experiment! Self-selection at HBC Digital